Learning Support
Learning Support encompasses the academic, social, behavioural and emotional needs of students and targets processes and resources that enable students with additional needs to participate meaningfully within the St Lawrence Primary School Community. In accordance with best practice, early intervention is our priority.
St Lawrence Primary School offers students a range of learning support programs which include a differentiated curriculum, individual learning plans and learning support programs.
St Lawrence employs a specialist support teacher and Educational Assistants to help provide Literacy and Numeracy support. The support team delivers intervention programs to accelerate identified students. Collaboration and communication with classroom teachers is an important part of this process. Current support programs offered at St Lawrence are:
Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI)
Levelled Literacy Intervention is an intensive, small-group program for students who find reading and writing difficult. Levelled Literacy Intervention provides students with the opportunity for focused, teacher directed discussions around texts with a strong emphasis on deepening and expanding comprehension skills.
Children with Special Needs
St Lawrence Primary School promotes the inclusion of all students, offering a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all students. Students with special needs are given every opportunity to develop to their full potential, while being educated alongside their peers. Students with special needs are well supported within our school with a combination of whole class, small group work and individual programs being utilised depending on the particular needs of each student. Classroom activities are organised and differentiated to ensure that students receive work appropriate to their level and are suitably challenged.