Child Safe Framework
Schools are called to be Christ-centred and child focused. A nurturing environment is essential for them to realise their inherent potential, flourishing under the protective umbrella of safety. The ability to learn and thrive is compromised when a child or young person feels unsafe.
Child safety continues to be a key priority for all Catholic schools. The Child Safe Framework of Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) launched in 2018, guides and empowers all members of the Catholic school community to consistently prioritise the best interests of children and young people in their decisions.
The comprehensive Framework consists of nine essential elements:
- Support and Healing
- Culture
- Voice of the Child
- Governance and Leadership
- Policies and Procedures
- Human Resources
- Risk Management
- Investigation and Reporting
- Quality Assurance
The underpinning principles of this Framework aligns with the latest research in child safety is evidence based, best practice and consistent with recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. One of its core aims is to cultivate a school culture that actively models healthy, respectful relationships. The overarching goal is to proactively deter the emergence of problematic behaviours and abuses, promoting prevention as the foremost strategy.
Further information regarding the Child Safe Framework can be found at: